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  • holistnik

Top 5 tips when travelling away from your LOs at home for the first time

Updated: Aug 14, 2020

It was ROUGH at first. We cried... a lot. Not because I was worried, but because I simply missed them so much.

  1. bring tissues.. to wipe your tears for the first night😭⠀

  2. bring a hand pump or single electric breast pump (so much easier to carry around) with extra bottles+caps! I ended up just pumping and dumping throughout my little trip

  3. massage your boobs when showering under warm water to prevent clogged ducts + mastitis

  4. have an agenda! keep yourself busy so you're not constantly thinking about what they're doing, or calling/facetiming every 5 mins🙈

  5. HAVE FUN! this is YOUR time to recharge. you deserve it❣️⠀

With the past few months working from home, we've been together every single day. I stopped pumping because I didn't need to anymore, I could feed Mia on demand. SO, I ended up pumping often while I was away. The first two days I pumped ~4 times each day (my boobs were really engorged when I woke up), and by the third day I found my milk supply went down and just pumped once before flying back home. Mia's sleep was the one thing I DID worry about. She usually wakes up for feedings 3-4 times throughout the night (moreso for comfort), and she did the same while I was away but dada was able to put her back to sleep. She noticed I was gone the first night when she was getting ready for bed🥺 and thankfully dany didn't tell me that til I got home or I would have been bawling my eyes out LOL. ⠀

Being away has helped us ALL in the end - Mimi gained some independency, and had so much quality time with her dada. I loved my weekend getaway but I'm so grateful to be back home with them!!💜

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